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Current projects & Future hopes

Our current project goals: staff retention & motivation

A key difference between the BHA and other charities working in this field is our absolute focus on staff retention and motivation. In 1992, hospital conditions were such that staff would sooner run away than endure. Today, we enjoy 100% staff retention; an incredible achievement that has only been possible by valuing and respecting each member of staff, & listening to their needs. Listed below are a brief summary of the projects that we are funding ;

  • The BHA has completely renovated the once derelict colonial house in the hospital grounds. It now provides 12 individuals & 3 families with quality staff housing. 2 guest suites allow us to host specialist volunteers. The building also serves as a recreation hall & library
  • The BHA employ 47 staff, all of whom earn a ‘living wage’. We also support training at the nursing school
  • 46 family staff accommodation units have been fully renovated, extended and modernised
  • The BHA funds many initiatives to improve morale, including sponsorship of the annual staff awards ceremony, & provision of a satellite television licence
  • The BHA sponsors the ‘Charitable Farming Association’. This initiative sees the staff growing couscous, fruit & veg for staff and patients

Our future hopes

Bansang Hospital’s transformation since 1992 has been truly remarkable. Impossible dreams fostered years ago have developed into a vibrant reality. But the work is not nearly complete. We recognise that the hospital is only as effective as the people whom it employs. As such, we will continue to focus on retaining and motivating staff

, whilst also pushing forward with projects that directly help with improving patient care;

  • Refurbish and extend out-patient clinics & A&E dept
  • Purchase vital drugs, medical supplies & equipment
  • Upgrade wards, departments & accommodation units
  • Arrange for specialist volunteers to work at Bansang
  • Install toilet, washing & shower facilities in all areas
  • Raise awareness & explore all avenues of fundraising

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